WFH Affects Team Creativity, Productivity: DHR Global’s Lisa Walker

Fortune India, P B Jayakumar, August 4, 2023

August, 2023

In the Media

FORTUNE INDIA: Lisa Walker, Managing Partner, Global Industrial Practice, talked with P B Jayakumar at Fortune India about the in-demand traits of CEOs and other top talent, what firms look for when they hire, and the transformation happening in the field.

On how the requirements and capabilities of CEOs have changed with the emergence of disruptive technologies like AI, Lisa shared:

“…Fundamental to the CEO job is leadership and ability to set the culture, great accountability and engage the workforce to execute the strategies. Fundamentally, that has not changed…

… When we talk about technology, jobs are changing because of AI. Many jobs that people are doing today won’t exist in ten years and many jobs people are going to do after ten years don’t exist today. The CEOs and top managers have to imagine the jobs that are going to be eliminated and the jobs that are going to come up. The CEO’s job is to enforce the workforce to embrace those changes, work with their executives, identify what those jobs are, train and key is to develop the executives to work in that future environment. They have to develop those jobs and adopt those technologies; AI is a perfect example.”

Read the full article.

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