Jose Martinez

Managing Partner

Jose serves as Managing Partner in the Advanced Technology Practice Group. He focuses on recruiting advanced technology and digital executive leaders across several industries.

Jose Martinez

+1 312 782 0120


With over 25 years of executive experience, Jose is a seasoned management and technology consultant, business executive and former CIO with a focus on technology and digital. His Fortune 1000 industry experience spans financial services, insurance, consumer retail, healthcare, real estate, manufacturing and distribution.

Before joining DHR, Jose was the managing director at an executive search and HR consulting firm where he led efforts to strengthen and grow the firm’s digital executive search business. Previously, he held leadership roles for global management consultancies including DXC, North Highland and Whitman-Hart. Earlier in his career, he held CIO positions at various organizations where he led technology modernization and digital transformation initiatives.

Jose received his Master of Business Administration from Northwestern University and a Bachelor of Arts from DePaul University. He is Life Director for the Chicago Public Library Foundation and a member of the Executives Club and the Economic Club.


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DHR provides the right leadership to help companies drive digital transformation and compete in the age of digitally native organizations.
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